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Wildflowers are the backbone of a healthy environment for a wide range of insects - bees depend on them for survival in densely populated human locations, such as urban housing and city centres.
Letting loose a seed bomb is the perfect way to have a little fun while doing your bit to protect the wildlife in your area. Whether it’s a patch of lawn, flowerbed, plant pot or a rather sad looking meadow, let fly and allow nature to take it’s cause.

Peat-Free compost.
Powdered clay (normally found in craft shops).
Mixing bowl.
Seeded - Meadow. flower seeds or seeds from your garden or combine seeds.
from our list below.
Bulbous Buttercup.
Common Bird’s-foot-trefoil.
Common Spotted-orchid.
Common Knapweed.
Lady’s bedstraw.
Wild Thyme.

Check what time of year the seeds you have select are ideally planted for best results.

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