Keeping the factory running and products moving is our operations marvel, what he doesn't know about machinery and logistics isn't worth knowing.
Our very own David Brent 2.0, working relentlessly day and night to keep our customers happy, our products moving and our business growing.
Together with a team of talented creatives and product developers, Chloe keeps our brand looking fresh, menus innovative and customers happy.
One of our longest-serving 'wrappers', Pete keeps the engine running by heading up our operations, logistics and admin teams.
Keeping our staff informed and supported is Gemma our HR Manager A.K.A
The Chief of Happiness and overall Wellbeing.
With hands-on experience in nearly every team at Real Wrap Co, there isn't much that Gully and her friendly team can't help our customers with.
The all important money machine making sure our bills our paid and invoices are received, a true finance maverick.
Carmen has many years of experience running a production floor and ensuring that quality targets and production deadlines are meet.
Real Wrap Co. Published 27th Aug 2020